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Grant Projects

The City of Mendota is committed to the revitalization of Mendota as well as improving services and facilities for quality living. The city has hired staff to assist with writing and managing grants to reduce the burden of these cost on the tax payers when possible. 


Grant Project Staff
800 Washington Street

Mendota, IL 61342



Annie Short, Project Director

Ali Braboy, Grant Manager

Maria Arteaga, Project Coordinator

Current Grants

Partnership for Success (PFS)

Received in the fall of 2023, this is a 5-year grant to help prevent youth drug use and support positive youth activities. This grant is provided by Substance Abuse Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA).

Citizen Institute Rural Design (CIRD)

The City of Mendota is one of 18 communities chosen to be a part of a cohort of cities working on a design project. Members learn how to think about design for revitalization. 

Community Heart and Soul (CH&S)

In partnership with Reimagine Mendota, residents were asked what they like and want for Mendota. With the results, value statements were developed which will be used to guide future decisions and development. For more information visit

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